It is essential to determine rockmass mechanical parameters in stability assessment. The structural z is the main factor in this\nregard, and we know little about the relationship between mechanical parameters and multiple structure planes. In this paper, we\nhave conducted a series of numerical tests to obtain mechanical parameters for a dam foundation in Southwest China. The biaxial\nnumerical test was performed based on the discrete element method. This numerical test considers the spacing, types, dip angles,\nand size effect. We established a relationship of mechanical parameters between small size lab samples and large size field samples.\nWe forecasted the strength parameters for a spillway slope in Southwest China. The dip angle has a significant effect on the slope\nstrength and stability. In this case, the rockmass fracture stress-dip angle curve forms a U-shaped distribution. The X-shaped\ndouble structure plane demonstrates severe strength weakening relative to a single structure plane. As structure plane spacing\nreaches a certain level, its influence on rockmass strength diminishes. The elementary volume of the rockmass for dam foundation\nanalysis is about 4mÃ?4mÃ?4m.